

6- Y.B.Altaylıgil, R.C.Akkay, "The effect of the domestic debt on the financial development: A case study for Turkey", International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2013

5- H. Ongan, C. Akkay, B. Altaylıgil, "Transformation of the financial structure in an emerging market due to financial liberalization: a case study for Turkey", Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2012

4- Çelikel Danisoğlu, A., Altaylıgil, Y.B., “The Effects of Exchange Rates on the Trade Balance: Is there a J-curve in the Case of Turkey?”, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, (IJAS) Conference for Academic Disciplines, Aix-en-Provence, France, 8-11 Haziran 2010.

3- Altaylıgil, Y.B., “Mean-Variance-Skewness Model For Portfolio Selection”, Istanbul University, Journal of the School of Business Administration, Vol 37, No 2, 2008

2- Altaylıgil, Y.B., “Value At Risk with Garch and Ewma: An Application For Gold Prices”, Istanbul University, Journal Of Social Sciences, 1, 2008

1- Sınıksaran, E., Satman, M.H, Altaylıgil, Y.B., “A Study for Examining the Behaviors of Regression Depths of OLS and Some Robust Regression Methods under Contamination”, Journal Of Statistical Research, 4, 3, December, p: 76-91, 2005


3-  Karagöz Özenç F., Altayligil B., "Determinants of International Fragmentation of Production in Turkey", ETSG 2013, Birmingham

2- Altayligil B., Karagöz F., "The Determinants of the Export Structure of Turkish Manufacturing Industry in The Process of Globalization: A Panel Data Approach", EconAnadolu 2013

1- Altaylıgil B., Akkay R.C., "The Effect of the Public Debt on the Financial  SystemTransformation: A Case Study for Turkey", ICE-TEA 2012/UEK-TEK 2012 

1- Altaylıgil, Y.B., "Entropy Measure and Some Of Its Econometric Applications", PHD Dissertation, Istanbul University, Institute Of Social Sciences, 2008

2- Altaylıgil, Y.B., "Depth Measures In Multivariate Data And Regression", MSC Dissertation, Istanbul University, Institute Of Social Sciences, 2004

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