
Solutions for Mathematics 1 Final Exam (08.1.2014)

Eng.Here you can find the Mathematics 1 Exam solutions that you have taken on 8 January 2014... Comparing your answers with these solutions will improve your success at Calculus... May it be easy...
Tr.Burada 8 Ocak 2014 tarihinde girdiğiniz Matematik 1 Final Sınavı çözümlerini bulabilirsiniz... Cevaplarınızı bu çözümlerle karşılaştırmak Analiz'deki başarınızı geliştirecektir... Kolay gelsin







Fall 2011 Semester Mathematics 1 and Applied Econometrics 1 Final Results

Eng.In last a few days some major improvements have been done in Nokta Student Program of Istanbul University. As i can see some techinal problems may arise. To prevent the communication gap i am posting the letter grades of Mathematics 1 and Applied Econometrics 1 lessons from here. Best regards...

Tr.Son birkaç gündür Istanbul Üniversitesi Nokta Öğrenci Programı'nda bazı önemli iyileştirmeler yapılageliyor. Yapılan iyileştirme çalışmaları dolayısıyla notların ilanında doğabilecek muhtemel aksaklıkların önüne geçebilmek için Matematik 1 ve Uygulamalı Ekonometri 1 derslerinin harf notlarını buradan da ilan ediyorum.Saygı ve sevgiyle...

Mathematics 1 / Matematik 1 (Old Regulations / Eski Yönetmelik)
Mathematics 1 / Matematik 1 (New Regulations / Yeni Yönetmelik)
Applied Econometrics 1 / Uygulamalı Ekonometri 1


2nd Gretl Conference

Eng.Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Department of Econometrics and Statistics and Toruń School of Banking are pleased to invite for  2nd Gretl Conference held at The Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Nicolaus Copernicus University, between 16-17 June 2011, Toruń, Poland.

Tr.Nicolaus Kopernik Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Ekonometri ve İstatistik Bölümü ve Toruń Bankacılık Okulu 16-17 Haziran 2011 tarihleri arasında Nicalus Kopernik Universitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Toruń, Polonya'da yapılacak olan 2.Gretl konferansına davet etmekten memnuniyet duyar.


Major crisis still ahead, past one was minor/Büyük krizler hala önümüzde, geçen kriz küçüktü.

Eng.Senior Research Scholar at Yale University Immanuel Wallerstein believes that the real economic crisis is still up ahead. According to Wallerstein, last years collapse was its minor version. For further readings you can have a look to his offical web site http://www.iwallerstein.com

Tr.Yale Üniversitesinden Kıdemli Araştırmacısı Immanuel Wallerstein, gerçek ekonomik krizin hala önümüzde olduğuna inanıyor.Wallerstein'a göre son yılların çöküşü gerçek ekonomik krizin yalnızca küçük bir uyarlamasıydı. Daha ileri okumalar için http://www.iwallerstein.com resmi internet sitesine bakabilirsiniz.


Erratum For The 5th Edition Of William Greene's Econometric Analysis

In William Greene's favorite book "Econometric Analysis, 5e" , the ACF and PACF calculations reported for Table 20.1 were incorrect. Using the same data, i posted the true calculations to Mr.Greene. And Mr.Greene posted my corrections kindly on ERRATA and DISCUSSION web page of his book.


My Article "Application Of Maksimum Entropy In Portfolio Selection" is published in Journal of the School of Business Administration, Istanbul University

In this paper, mean-variance-skewness (MVS) model is proposed first for optimal portfolio selection from financial assets, and then mean-variance-skewness-entopy (MVSE) model by adding entropy measure is proposed in order to obtain well diversified portfolio. In MVS and MVSE, Pearson skewness measure which is robust and easy to calculate than traditional skewness measures is used. Both models are used in IMKB-30 for portfolio selection and the results are compared with Markowitz mean-variance (MV) model. It is showed that more efficient portfolios can be selected by MVS model than MV model.


R Graphics

One of R's strengths is the ease with which well-designed publication-quality plots can be produced, including mathematical symbols and formulae where needed. Great care has been taken over the defaults for the minor design choices in graphics, but the user retains full control.


A Special Report On Managing Information From Economist

Feb 25th 2010 | From The Economist print edition The article has a short section on technology used for such applications, including this on R: "A free programming language called R lets companies examine and present big data sets, and free software called Hadoop now allows ordinary PCs to analyse huge quantities of data that previously required a supercomputer. It does this by parcelling out the tasks to numerous computers at once. This saves time and money. For example, the New York Times a few years ago used cloud computing and Hadoop to convert over 400,000 scanned images from its archives, from 1851 to 1922. By harnessing the power of hundreds of computers, it was able to do the job in 36 hours." It's nice to see the open-source combination of Hadoop and R getting recognition as the engine behind many such large-scale problems in predictive modeling. The Economist: A different game


A Monte Carlo Simulation Program For Linear Regression Parameters Written In R

# a monte carlo simulation for regression parameters by baris altayligil
# deparment of economics/istanbul university 2010
x<-runif(1000,0,50) #random numbers from uniform distribution
u<-rnorm(1000,0,1) #random numbers from standart normal distribution
y<-5*x+5+u #generating y series
n<-100 #number of loop#
ksubset<-25 #length of subset#
for (i in 1:n){
plot(beta1,main=mean(beta1),type="b",xlab="number of loop",col="blue")
plot(beta2,main=mean(beta2),type="b",xlab="number of loop",col="red")

Living Library

The Living Library works exactly like a normal library - readers come and borrow a 'book’ for a limited period of time. There is only one difference: the Books in the Living Library are human beings, and the Books and readers enter into a personal dialogue. The Books in the Living Library are people representing groups frequently confronted with prejudices and stereotypes, and who are often victims of discrimination or social exclusion. In this library, Books cannot only speak, but they are able to reply to the readers' questions, and the Books can even ask questions and learn themselves.

Solutions for Mathematics 1 Final Exam (08.1.2014)

Eng. Here you can find the Mathematics 1 Exam solutions that you have taken on 8 January 2014... Comparing your answers with these solution...