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Major crisis still ahead, past one was minor/Büyük krizler hala önümüzde, geçen kriz küçüktü.
Eng.Senior Research Scholar at Yale University Immanuel Wallerstein believes that the real economic crisis is still up ahead. According to Wallerstein, last years collapse was its minor version. For further readings you can have a look to his offical web site http://www.iwallerstein.com
Tr.Yale Üniversitesinden Kıdemli Araştırmacısı Immanuel Wallerstein, gerçek ekonomik krizin hala önümüzde olduğuna inanıyor.Wallerstein'a göre son yılların çöküşü gerçek ekonomik krizin yalnızca küçük bir uyarlamasıydı. Daha ileri okumalar için http://www.iwallerstein.com resmi internet sitesine bakabilirsiniz.
Solutions for Mathematics 1 Final Exam (08.1.2014)
Eng. Here you can find the Mathematics 1 Exam solutions that you have taken on 8 January 2014... Comparing your answers with these solution...

The Living Library works exactly like a normal library - readers come and borrow a 'book’ for a limited period of time. There is only o...
In this paper, mean-variance-skewness (MVS) model is proposed first for optimal portfolio selection from financial assets, and then mean-var...